Rites of the full Flower Moon - May 2020
Rites of the full Flower Moon - May 2020
Virtual Celebration of the Full Flower Moon on Sunday May 10th
We have been tasked as a planet to grow in new ways, and it’s not easy. But it’s easier when we have some semblance of community and connection. It’s easy when we see the patterns that sustain us. That’s what this circle has been, and will be.
The Full Flower Moon will be the last of three supermoons for the season, which means it will be closer to the perigee, and appear up to 7% brighter. Though we celebrate on the Sunday after, the Full Moon actually occurs on Thursday the 7th at 9:45am. It might be a good day for a morning stroll? The name Flower Moon, signifies the way that Spring has finally sprung. It’s a rich time of blossom and birth. Like many moon names solidified in the Farmer’s Almanac, it comes from the connection to Native American tribes in the Northeast. The Tlingit tribe, native to Alaska, called it the Moon Before Pregnancy “at gadaxeet yinaa dis.” It is also sometimes called the Mother’s Moon, the closest full moon to mothers’ day, or the Hare Moon, after the wild rabbits hopping through the brush. It marked a warmer climate, fertility, and a time safe enough to bring little ones into the world. (ha ha ha).
Natural themes of the Full Flower Moon are Beauty, Birth and Rebirth. You may be feeling like your world is in a pressure cooker, like the quarantine is just an intensifier of all your feelings. The highs are higher, the lows are lower. How can you go into this with grace? What is on the other side? And as importantly, what is right here, right now?
Given the fact that the full moon is in Scorpio, the ask is that we get deeper. Astrologer Kyle Thomas says, “Whenever Scorpio energy is being activated by a Moon or planet, we are drawn to these deep and intense passions, and often in relation to relationships with others . While many of these things may paint a dark picture, they are not. All human beings are a mix of both dark and light, and our hidden, deeper selves can only be acknowledged healthily if we face those deepest desires, obsessions, and feelings to release them in positive ways.”
Flowers are beautiful and plentiful for us here in the Pacific Northwest. They are also delicate and temporary, like mandalas. We will explore how to claim these instances of beauty as part of personal transformation. We will recognize and ritualize the possibilities of our unique feminine divinity. What blooms in you will help you revel in your own depths?
This ritual will be virtual. It will be physical distance, but not social. It will be physical distance, but not emotional. Join us for meditation, authentic relating, divination, and spellcraft.
Join us on Zoom from 7-9pm. Be ready with a journal, a deck of either playing cards or tarot, and a set of flowers handpicked from the street where you live, or your own backyard!
This is a donation only circle, and you can pay online, or venmo me if you’d like. Preregistration is still required. Invite your friends! Register early, we sell out! And, if minimum registration isn’t met 24 hours prior, circle will be called off for the month.
Open to all women and nonbinaries.
New Location! - YOUR HOME!
Call Xan with any questions 206-683-1838.