Truly Leap
Do you have a project, or a challenge that feels untenable, undo-able? Have you ever felt like your current life circumstances are more than you can manage? Today is February 29th, it’s Leap Year. And this is a tool that will help you leap through your roadblocks like Hanuman did in devotion of King Ram. I picked this up from Ken Page, a romance and dating coach, but it’s not just for that. This resonates with a teaching concept called backwards design, but it’s altered a bit.
Start at the end.
Imagine already being the kind of person who does what you want to do, and has what you want to have.
If you want to have a happy relationship, imagine yourself already engaging in the activities and discussions that foster an ongoing sacred intimacy.
If you want to run a successful business, imagine yourself as a solid entrepeneaur.
If you want to publish that book, imagine yourself as already on the book tour, reading to an eager audience.
And then, let that you – the one who is already there - give yourself advice.
Now the end has become the beginning, and your sphere of comfort and power has been expanded.
Every dream you have is already seeded within you. The challenges towards reaching them keep us on our toes and help us grow into the person who can live in these dreams. We all need mentors, but in the same way that by teaching a subject, you learn it that much better, by inhabiting the space of mentorship, you are able to step up into your power. It turns out that often times, you know better than anyone else exactly what you need to hear.
You might need to hear, get yourself a coach or mentor. And I’m available for that if you’re interested.
But you might also hear a voice that’s yours, that’s courageous and capable. The same things that feel insurmountable may seem exciting. Give it a try. Kalil Gibran says that “Faith is an oasis in the heart which will never be reached by the caravan of thinking.” And this is a way to find faith in yourself, and live the life you already have within.